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Gunners Award

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Step inside the walls of one of the largest correctional facilities in the United States and the madness experienced by not only the inmates but also the men and women who are charged with guarding them. This book details the career of a former U.S. Marine and U.S.Army National Guardsman who devoted his entire career to protecting society from murderers and rapists, drunks and drug addicts.

The stories told in this book are true and the author makes no apologies for the language and the violence that occurred inside this living, and breathing demon known as a jail. Learn why jails are one of the most dangerous places for a jailer to work as for a prisoner that is serving time awaiting their day in court. This book will reveal shocking events about jails that most people don't hear about. The author does suggest finding a nice comfortable chair or couch before reading this book because the reader will not be able to stop reading it or be willing to put the book down.

Come inside and decide for yourself! This is one book of fine literature you will not want to miss reading! This book is now available worldwide in most bookstores. Please make all purchases from the bookstore of your choice. 

$19.95 plus shipping (Prices may vary)

Reviewer: Shelley (oklahoma) - See all my reviews
This is an extraordinary Book! I spent years being the wife to an inmate and heard of stories from my husband like those of this author. To hear the side of the jailer is an extreme eye-opener and demands respect to those who live there lives with the sickest of all human beings! The Author is very truthful and open as he takes you threw years of his life. I found myself laughing out loud, and other times holding my breath! I read 75% of the book the first time i opened it! it's a book you will want to read till you finish. This book will be read more then once by me. Wonderful Job Author,looking forward to your next book!

Lockdown Madness written by Jim Daly has to be one of the most informative and intriguing books that I have ever read on what it is like in the jails across America. Jim Daly has written a no holds barred book about actual events that he has witness as a jailer. The stories that Jim Daly relates in Lockdown Madness are shocking, reveling and exciting. Some of the stories will make you laugh and others will make you realize just how mean and cruel some people really are. This book will enlighten you as to what happens in the life of jailer, as they have to deal with some of the most vile, rudest, and worst people that society has to offer. I have visited some on death row, in medium and minimum-security prisons and in jails across Oklahoma and I can attest to the truthfulness of the events in this book as I have witnessed some of what Jim Daly talks about. Lockdown Madness will help you realize just how fortunate we are to have people like Jim Daly who sacrifice so much to keep society safe from all kinds of offenders. Lockdown Madness is truly an eye-opener and a book that I highly recommend that you put on your must read list.

Tom Ward, author

The Enemy Within and

Outposts of Hell or Portals to Heaven.

$19.95 plus shipping

Behind Steel Doors by Jim Daly will be officially released 24 April 2006, it is now available at PublishAmerica books.This book will be sent to all internet bookstores online like Amazon, and Barnes and Noble soon. In this book the reader will be allowed to visit the dark side of jail and what goes on inside one. It is about hard-core prisoners who have nothing to lose, the games they play, and how they assault fellow prisoners or brave jailers. It includes responding to emergency calls, and how all the madness builds up behind the big steel doors of jail for prisoners and jailers alike.

$16.95 plus shipping (Prices may vary)

Inconceivable Danger by Dale Ford

Inconceivable Danger takes you in the world of an undercover police officer who pursues a suspect name Skyscraper, who is a kingpin drug dealer. Skyscraper is the most dangerous, ruthless criminal Dale and his partner has ever tried to arrest.
One mistake with this criminal meant certain death for any officer.
This book is action packed and a great thriller for all readers, who like crime stories.
The sacrifices made by Dale and his partner, are what legends and heroes are made of.
The author makes no apologies for the death and violence.
This story takes you into the mountains of Southeast Oklahoma where contact with the suspect reveals the most vicious monster ever conceived by the two officers.
This book is sure to please; it is not for the faint of heart.

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